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- Written by: M0HVD
Possibly the best JOTA yet?
Members of Worthing Radio Events Group put on a JOTA station for 8th Worthing Sea Scouts at their headquarters with the callsign GB8WSS.

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- Written by: G0XAN
April's shack day featured several members working on projects, showing off projects, discussing plans, sharing ideas & books, and eating sausages of course!

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- Written by: G0XAN
Following the club's first foray into the world of CQWW last year, it was an easy decision to take part again in 2016. Once again the plan was to operate from midday Saturday to midday Sunday rather than the full 48 hours of the contest. The change from BST to GMT coinciding with CQWW meant that the operation was actually 25 hours rather than 24.
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- Written by: M0TVV
On Sunday the 19th of August 2016 the club put on a portable HF station for Mr Peter Craw, call sign G3CCX. Peter had to leave his original home QTH in Rustington back in February 2016 after a 3 month stay in hospital following health complications. He now resides in the Gratwick House care home in Littlehampton West Sussex.

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- Written by: G0XAN
At the beginning of 2015 whilst planning the year's activities, Paul, G3SXE, suggested that we have a go at a major international HF contest. Whilst the group have experience of competing in smaller short duration contests such as the RSGB backpackers', VHF activity and 21/28MHz contests, big HF contests are a completely different proposition...

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- Written by: M0HVD
Richard Poore G4OHC was asked if he could raise a team to assist the 8th Worthing Sea Scouts with their JOTA 2015 event. At the monthly meeting, and with no other requests, club members agreed to support them.