On Saturday 6th September, members of the group put on a display for visitors to the Brighton Mini Maker Faire. The faire was extremely busy from opening time almost to closing time.


On display were a number of 'homebrew' items built by club members - kit-built and scratch-built transmitters and receivers and a homemade antenna. Some pre-recorded PSK-31 on 20m was decoded on a PC to show visitors one of the many digital modes in use today. Morse code, despite its "old fashioned" image remains popular and several visitors took up the challenge of learning to send their name on either a straight or paddle key.


Despite having no access to outdoor antennas, Mark, 2E0VKZ, was able to show visitors 'live' amateur radio by using Echolink and a remote SDR receiver via the internet.

Club members Mark, Martin, Nigel and Paul were kept busy all day talking to many visitors. If you were a visitor to the stand, thank you for stopping by to say hello, we hope you enjoyed your day.