Following the club's first foray into the world of CQWW last year, it was an easy decision to take part again in 2016. Once again the plan was to operate from midday Saturday to midday Sunday rather than the full 48 hours of the contest. The change from BST to GMT coinciding with CQWW meant that the operation was actually 25 hours rather than 24.
The most distant stations contacted on each band are shown in the table below.
Band | Callsign | Country | Distance |
160m | L44T | Argentina | 11057km (6911 miles) |
80m | R6AA | Russia | 2963km (1852 miles) |
40m | LT5X | Argentina | 13315km (8322 miles) |
20m | CB1W | Chile | 10403km (6502 miles) |
15m | LO7H | Argentina | 11111km (6944 miles) |
10m | PS8RV | Brazil | 7409km (4630 miles) |
Conditions were very different (i.e. worse!) to last year, the only DX was in South America; we made no contacts in east or south-east Asia this year. A contact with Argentina on 160m was a nice surprise; an 11000km contact with our limited top band setup was quite an achievement.
The 10m band was very quiet, especially when compared to last year (43 countries in 2015).
Given the lack of DX contacts, it is unsurprising that the vast majority of QSOs were with Italy, Spain and Germany. Last year USA was top of our countries list, this year it is not even in the top 10.
Only Madeira Island and Slovak Republic were contacted on all 6 bands. Additionally Morocco and Croatia were contacted on 5 bands.