This article is a set of notes to contribute towards the club 475 kHz (or 630m) project. Since the project potentially includes the design and build of transmitters, receivers and antenna systems members are encouraged to contribute ideas and information to this article and spawn different articles as necessary.

CW Transmitters

There are a number of transmitter designs on the web. Most seem to use a 3.8MHz or 7.6MHz oscillator divided by 8 or 16 driving a class D or class E PA. Alternatively a DDS may be used.


GW3UEP's CMOS VFO - updated link 12/2/2023

Power Amplifiers

The most popular MF amplifier designs seem to be those by GW3UEP. There are also details of higher power and class E amplifiers available.

Receive Converters and Transverters

There are a few transverter and receive converter designs available, useful if you don't have a receiver that covers the band.

Antenna-Related Info

It's not just antenna designs, we need to consider how transmitter power (roughly) equates to EIRP, and whether our test and measuring equipment is telling us the truth at MF!

Unfortunately, much of the information previously linked here was courtesy of KB5NJD, but it seems to have all disappeared from the Internet now.

  • VE7SL has lots of general 630m info on his blog